How to paint polymer clay?

How to paint polymer clay?

How is polymer clay painted? Painting polymer clay is relatively simple taking into account a few elements, whether it is fired or unfired beforehand, the type of paint to be applied, the technique, the drying and firing times. We will tell you how to paint this...
How long does it take for the clay to dry?

How long does it take for the clay to dry?

How long does it take for the clay to dry? Home / Uncategorized Clay is an ancestral material that hides many secrets for those who want to master it. From the moment it is extracted from the earth until it becomes a piece of pottery, it goes through several stages....
Can bentonite clay go bad?

Can bentonite clay go bad?

Can bentonite clay go bad? Home / Uncategorized Have I ever heard the question, “Does bentonite clay go bad?”. You probably share the same concern. The short answer is: yes, but not in the way many people think. Bentonite clay does not “spoil”...
Can you microwave clay mugs?

Can you microwave clay mugs?

Can you microwave clay mugs? Home / Alfred Guinaroan Yes, many ceramic cups made of clay can be microwaved. However, there are some important considerations to keep in mind, first, the manufacturer’s directions, avoid those with metal decoration, and, when in...
Benefits of ceramics

Benefits of ceramics

Benefits of ceramics     Practicing pottery as a form of art and expression dates back thousands of years. From the creation of everyday objects to the production of impressive clay sculptures, it has played an important role in the history of mankind....